5 Life saving tips for writing your own wedding vows
5 Life saving tips for writing your own wedding vows

Imagine that you are standing side by side with your significant other at the wedding alter. Your hands are a little sweaty from the wedding day jitters. You have a quick flash back to the moment you first realized you wanted to write your own vows, to make this moment as intimate as possible. You had no clue where you wanted to start. Luckily you stumbled across Bella Ballroom dancing studio that specializes with weddings, and our blog with this super easy wedding vow checklist. All in perfect time for your big day. Here’s a list of 5 life saving tips to help you as you write your own wedding vows.
1.) The Day You First Met Your Significant Other:
(The audience will want to know how you two love birds came to be, and this will be a strong starting point to mold the ambiance of the moment).
–When did you both first meet?
–Where did you first meet?
–How did you cross paths?
2.) The Moment You Realized You Were In Love:
(This should come easy! What drove the spark!?)
-A few little details that led to your growing love.
-The hobbies that they do that you admire about them.
-Funny moments you both shared (adds humor!)
-Inside jokes (does not matter if the crowd is not sure what it means!)
3.) How They Have Helped You Grow As A Person
-Giving thanks and gratitude for the moments that you feel comfortable sharing.
-Knowledge that they have implemented into your life.
-Obstacles they have helped you overcome.
-The things they do that help you reach your souls main goals.
-New perspectives that they have helped you reach for the greater purpose.
4.) Quotes/Lyrics That Resonate With You And Your S/O:
-Your favorite movie you both like to watch.
-Your favorite song that you share with your partner.
-Love songs that make you think of them every time you listen to them.
5.) Life Long Promises You Would Like To Make:
-Acknowledge future challenges/obstacles that you both might face together.
-Moments in life that you look forward to experiencing with your life partner.
- Where do you see yourself in the next year, two years, and ten year mark ?
- Realistic intentions: Your true intentions that you have for this lifelong commitment.

All of these tips together are a great template to use while creating the most tranquil and realistic speech for your big moment. You will leave the love of your life and the audience in tears of joy.
You are now prepared to pull the heart strings of all that witness this meaningful display of passion you hold so dearly. Good luck!