Dance Party and Swing Dance Lesson
We have an exciting announcement for you all! We are celebrating our 6th Anniversary Dance Party at Bella Ballroom Dance Studio here in Orange County on Friday, October 18th!
You cannot miss this event because we are going to have a lot of fun! The event is completely free!
We will have a Swing Dance Lesson with no experience required. After the lesson, we’ll party with a glass of wine and a variety of dance music. Come to dance or to just socialize. Please join us and invite your friends!
You can’t miss this epic dance party in Orange County. If you have attended any of our previous anniversary parties then you know we have a blast. If this is your first time, prepare to dance your heart out and have a great night surrounded by wonderful people and great music!
We are looking forward to seeing you there, dancers!

Friday October 18th 2019
Swing Dance Lesson kicks off the party at 7pm
Dancing until 9pm
Bella Ballroom Dance Studio
355 Bristol Street Suite T, Costa Mesa, CA 92626