Dancing Classes For the Mind

October 15, 2014 by
Filed Under: Blog, Dance Psychology

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Dancing Classes For the Mind

While watching clients dance around the floor at our Orange County dance studio, I always just assume that dancing classes are beneficial to their bodies: they are moving around, using their muscles, burning calories, and more. But, in my attempt to find inspiration for a blog topic, I stumbled across some astounding facts about dancing. Dancing not only is healthy for your body, but is also incredibly healthy for your mind. Not to mention, dancing also increases serotonin and decreases stress, which most adults could seriously benefit from.

In terms of mental health, dancing is proven to stimulate the mind. This is of major importance because it means that just by dancing, the risk for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are reduced. Dancing also increases cognitive awareness at all ages. In a study done by the New England Journal of Medicine, it showed that, among all the activities tested, dancing had the highest level of risk reduction, 76% in fact, against dementia.

So, why dancing? What is it that makes dancing classes so special? Dancing combines many brain functions all at once, which increases the connectivity in your mind. Not only that, but it deals with rapid-fire decision making that influences your physical being. Because of all that stimulation, dancing can help keep your mind young and can work to exercise your brain in a highly effective manner.

To keep this short and sweet, dancing can do wonders for both mind and body, and it can be great for those looking to retain mental capacity in every phase of life, so why not get out there, take some dancing classes at our dance studios in Orange County and get jiggy with it?

–”From the Purple Chair” series from Bella Ballroom’s Office Manager, Shelby