Six Dance Tips for the Holidays

December 17, 2021 by
Filed Under: Blog

As you enter the merriment of the holiday party season, for wedding and social dances alike, we want to share some tips for being successful on the dance floor! 

Number 1: Two turns and a dip, will make any follower happy!

For those who are worried about not having enough dance moves, it does not take much to impress! If you spin your partner out and in, you are halfway to happiness! If you don’t know how to dip, put your partners arms around your neck, and do a slight lunge to the side. It keeps the dip safe and simple, but exciting! 

Number 2: When turning, keep your eyes on the prize. 

If you or your partner get dizzy when turning, keep your eyes on your partner and, as soon as you start to complete the turn, bring your gaze back to your partner. This is called spotting. This will help keep your focus as you turn so that you will not feel dizzy!  

Number 3: Leader’s gotta lead! 

The lead should always watch the room to make sure that they do not bump their partner into another couple, or allow other couples to run into them. Part of the leader’s job is to always make the follow feel safe. 

Number 4: The follow is the picture, the lead is the frame 

When dancing, you are welcome to have solo show off moments; however, remember to make the follow feel good as you dance. The more you make the dance about them, the better. The lead will look good if they make the follow feel good. 

Number 5: Thank your partner 

Whether it is a new partner or a partner you have been with for years, it is always kind to thank them for the dance. It is wonderful to give the gift of dance to another person, so treat the dance as such!

Number 6: The more you drink, the better you look to you ONLY! 

If you decide to engage in social drinking, be sure to know your limit when it comes to drinking and dancing. If you have had quite a few, be careful with your spins and dips so that you don’t jeopardize the safety of your partner. 

With these tips you should be able to successfully dance through this season! 

From our Bella Ballroom family to yours, happy holidays to you all!