Valentines Drug: The Comedown
With Valentines day just ending, you may still be feeling for the love high. It is a great feeling, but how can couples keep this spark alive as this high fades away? Valentines day is cute, and a good way to show love to not only to your partner, but every loved one in your life. However, what about the rest of the year? Let’s get into how you can keep these sparks alive when it’s not a holiday!
1. Regulating date nights!
Plan a way to ensure that date nights are happening intentionally. For some couples this may mean weekly, some may be biweekly. Just set it up so that it’s a regular occurrence. Everyone has a different lifestyle of course, so do what works for you! These dates don’t have to be anything crazy; to many, date night might mean making dinner at home and spending uninterrupted time together while you cook and eat your meal. Maybe you have a show that the two of you watch together, so you sit and watch your show every week with some snacks. Be present in each other presence and enjoy whatever it is you decide to do that week.

2. Pay attention
Pay attention to what is being said by your partner. We often miss little opportunities to make our partners happy by forgetting to really listen to what is being said. By this, I mean that maybe they vented to you about something that is stressing them out, or maybe they in passing mentioned something they have been wanting to buy. Listen to your partner and pick up on these little things to surprise your partner. Do the dishes they have been too overwhelmed to do, go pick up that candle they smelled at Target but didn’t end up getting. They may have even forgotten that they said they were craving Lasagna the other day, but you remembered and went out of your way to make it for them and now they feel heard and loved.

3. Leave notes
This is for all you busy couples out there! Maybe you work opposite work schedules and only really see each other in passing. This can be really hard to navigate, but anything is possible if you put your mind to it. Keep little stacks of sticky notes around your place and leave little notes for each other whenever you get the chance. These notes can be something short and sweet, or even little jokes to make the other person laugh. Be creative with this! The more fun you’re having with it, the less likely you are to forget about it. Make it a point to leave at least one note somewhere a day.

4. Love Language
It Is important to know your partner’s love language. Every person has a way in which they show love, and a way of which they receive love. If your partner’s love language is quality time, but you’ve been more focused on not being able to buy them gifts because you’re on a budget then to them it seems like an excuse. They don’t care about gifts as much because they feel loved by just existing with you. Take 5 minutes of your day to take the test together if you haven’t already, and discuss ways you want to feel loved; then use this information moving forward to keep the spark alive.

Valentines day is a great opportunity to go all out in ways you maybe wouldn’t throughout the year, and that’s amazing. But those intense feels don’t have to be reserved just for valentines day. You can keep those feelings going through the year with just a little bit of effort. Try these tips out and see how it goes! You may upgrade your relationship in ways you didn’t think of.