Wedding Dance Classes Interview with Kaylee and Gary

April 5, 2016 by
Filed Under: Blog, Wedding Dance

orange county wedding classes kaylee and garyWe’ve enjoyed working with Kaylee and Gary these past few months with wedding dance lessons for their first dance. They sat down with us after their final dance lesson to talk to us about their wedding, dance classes, and a little bit about themselves. They just had their wedding this past weekend at the St. Regis in Dana Point, CA! We can’t wait to find out how everything went! We can’t wait to see photos and videos! Congratulations!

Where is your wedding and when are you getting married (and performing your first dance)?

K: Were getting married at the St. Regis Monarch Beach. It was recommended by our wedding planner.

How did you meet?

G: We met on a cruise.

K: My cousin was married to his best friend. We were there for Gary’s best friends birthday. Gary was more familiar with my family when we met because he knew more about them than he did me.

How long have you been dating?

Both: 4 years.

What is your first dance song? Why did you choose it for your wedding? Does it have any significance for your first dance?

G: “Cant Help Falling in Love”

K: Haley Reinhart cover version. I was thinking of what songs we could pick and remembered that I loved this song since I was little.

What type of first dance are you working on for your wedding?

K: Waltz

What is your favorite part about taking wedding dance classes?

G: Our partnership is good. We are much better as a team than we are apart.

K: We are able to do something new and fun together.

Do you have a favorite dance move that you’re working on during your dance classes? If so, what is it?

G: Double Sweetheart. She’s a great spinner so I’m able to show her off while standing there doing nothing. I can’t screw it up and she looks good.

K: Double Sweetheart and the dip at the end.

What do you find most challenging about the process of taking wedding dance classes?

G: It’s hard to practice.

K: And finding a big enough space to practice.

Do people know you’re taking wedding dance classes or is it a surprise?

K: A few.

G: My immediate family. We’re trying to make it a surprise. We don’t want too much pressure on us.

What inspired you to take dance lessons?

K: It was his idea. He first mentioned it last summer.

G: I had a friend who was super clumsy. Well I went to his wedding and saw that he did a great job on his wedding dance and wanted that. Something nice, simple, and respectful.      

How do dance classes compare to other parts/aspects of planning your wedding?

K: We look forward to it.

G:  Tayler is amazing. She had our backs and was very encouraging.

K: You can tell that she loves what she does.

While taking wedding dance lessons, has it inspired you to take other dance classes for other styles? Do you want to pursue more?

K: I’m really looking forward to learning salsa. I love all the Latin styles.

What was your first impression coming in for dance classes and what is your impression now? How has it changed?

K: At first I was a tinny bit apprehensive and nervous that id catch on as fast as I use too.

G: I was nervous and then there are the glass windows where everyone can see. But now I want to be in the front of the studio where everyone can see us.

Do you have any advice for future couples?

K: Just do it.

G: Trust it. Embrace it.

K: It’s a lot more fun than you think it will be.