Wedding First Dance…getting bigger and better

September 8, 2014 by
Filed Under: Blog, Wedding Dance

wedding first dance lessons in Orange CountyIt’s been a phenomenon lately to do everything on a larger scale than ever before. You know, the huge romantic gestures for things as simple as a prom proposal. And it is not like the trend has not reached as far as proposals and first dances either.
While I myself believe it is kind of silly to have an incredibly over the top way to ask someone to prom, I do believe that proposals and first dances really count. I don’t think that every proposal or first dance should be the same, but I believe it should be made to feel special, important, and like it’s a once in a life time occurrence (because, most likely, it is a one time thing).

As far as wedding first dances go, it is like witnessing a physical incarnation of the couple’s relationship and it is a snip-it, throughout the night of the wedding, that can show off to the guests the couple’s dedication to trying new things with one another and having a great time while doing so. I recall one couple who had an utterly mind-blowing dance to Queen. Their energy was tangible, uplifting, and exciting. I could feel it filling the studio. It is dances like those that will forever be remembered and hold a special place in many hearts, even in mine, because it was so clear how much they cared about one another and wanted to portray their bubbly personalities to the world.

Why take dance lessons for a first dance? You should take them because you and your fiancé love you another and you are dedicated to making your day as truly special as it can possibly be. A first dance is something you will never, ever forget, even when you are both 90-year-old wrinkly old folks. It’s something you will be able to tell your grandkids about, and something that, like your love, will survive time. A couple hours of practice now, for a lifetime of stories later, that’s why.

–”From the Purple Chair” series from Bella Ballroom’s new Office Manager.

Bella Ballroom specializes in fun and romantic wedding first dance lessons. Visit our wedding first dance lessons in Orange County page for more information.