How to Recover from a Dancing Mistake

February 16, 2016 by
Filed Under: Uncategorized

This past week, there has been a lot of hype about the Super bowl half time show. Coldplay was the main performer, while Beyoncé and Bruno Mars appeared as special guest. Like any performance, some people were impressed and others, not so much. I personally loved the dance battle between Queen Bee and Bruno.

As the two switched off of the mix between their two songs (Uptown Funk and Beyoncé’s new song Formation), there was a part during one of her solos where she messed up the routine. At first I thought, did I just see that right? I did. It appeared to look like she lost her balance but recovered remarkably and continued the rest of her solo. So I give her mad props for how she handled her performance and her dancing mistake, especially in front of the millions of people who tuned in to watch this big event.

This brings me to the topic of making mistakes when you are performing in front of others. It can be applied to any performance whether it be for a dance performance for a big audience, a wedding dance in front of your loved ones, on any stage, the list is endless. It is important to remember a few things if you make a mistake:

  • Don’t make a facial expression that indicated when you make a mistake. Instead try smiling or even laughing at yourself because people will notice your facial expressions first.
  • Another thing is don’t look down or at your feet. This is advice more for partner dancing, especially a wedding dance.
  • If you can, recover like it was meant to happen. This is advice for a more noticeable mistake. You have to shake it off mentally and not let the fact that you messed up affect the rest of your performance.
  • Remember to keep moving. If you are having trouble, listen to the music to help you find your way back to the choreography.

For wedding couples:

When you are dancing with each other, this dance is to be enjoyed by the two of you. I encourage you to talk with each other while dancing. It can be about anything or to help with the dance. Eye contact between the two of you is important. Trust is a key fundamental for the two of you and will support you through the dance.

If you find yourself having a hard time remembering certain choreography or you’re not as confident in specific spot in the choreography, ask your instructor for an alternate dance move in case you do make a mistake dancing. If you know what to do it won’t mess you up. Practice is the key to confidence. I can’t stress it enough to practice and when you do practice have the mindset that you are about to perform this in front of whomever your audience is. By having this mindset you will always improve in each repetition of the dance that you do and you will have all the confidence you need!

I hope these tips help you have a little more insight on what to do when you make a dancing mistake and if you do, its not the end of the world– regroup and carry on! Good luck on your future dance!

Article by Jacqui